
Dear readers,

Hello dear reader’s, I hope all is well with you and that I wanted to thank you if you are still out there reading my blog. I know I haven’t been on here in a long time, truth is I lost myself for a while, in that I mean there’s been a lot of personal family issues have come about that made me less willing to write. I’ve taken time out and now I want to return once more to where I love to express myself, through my words, so here’s the start to new material and maybe even more than poetry who knows it’s going to be a new chapter.

Once again thank you for your continuing support to my blog, If your new Welcome to the littleHaven community, I want to say firstly thank you for the follow, and welcome to my blog, sit down and enjoy the poetry and odd entry’s that I might be uploading here.

Again thank you all so much, have a blessed and wonderful day.

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